Home Page Extras presented by Xtreme Internet

Spiralizer Squash

Fun to make, fun to eat! Noodle-ify your veggies!


It looks like spaghetti, but it is squash! Using a new kitchen toy, vegetables become fun by making them into “noodles.” It’s great for trying to get your 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day!


Produced by Vogt Media

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Apple Cider

It’s fall! Which means leaves are changing and time for fall foods! I’m talking pumpkin… sweet potato…. pears, cranberries, and apples!

Improved Picnic!

Improved Picnic!

We are now in picnic season! I always struggle with bringing a dish to pass. I like bringing a veggie plater because it is a healthy option, but it looks so boring!

Mystery Milk

Mystery Milk

When most people think of milk, they think of calcium, protein, cows, the liquid you pour on your cereal for breakfast…but there’s more milk choices than just what we can get from our dairy friends. Today’s featured milk alternative comes with some special benefits as well!

Fruity Fun!

Fruity Fun!

Watch today’s video feature to learn some a fun and easy way to eat mango, how to eat a starfruit, and what makes our special “mystery fruit” so special. What’s the mystery fruit? You’ll have to watch to find out!
